Aug 30

Figs: the ancient secret to health and its symbolism


Figs, with their mellow flesh and the crunchy touch of their seeds, are a pleasure for all the senses. Not only that, but they are succulent and provide us with energy, vitamins, minerals and fibre.


Thanks to their unique taste and nutritional value, they are unlike any other fruit on the market today. 


Today we would like to tell you about their origin and history.



A bit of history


Figs are a delicious and nutritious fruit that have been appreciated by humans for thousands of years. And not only are they delicious, but they also have a long and fascinating history. 


The fig tree is believed to have originated in the Middle East or Asia Minor and has been cultivated throughout the Mediterranean region for centuries. Figs have been enjoyed since ancient times and are even mentioned in the Bible. 


Scholars believe they were one of the first plants domesticated by man. They reached the Mediterranean region, and consequently the rest of the world, through human migration. 


In ancient times, figs were an important source of food for many peoples. They were also used for medicinal purposes to treat various ailments.


It has been present in Greece for centuries. There it is known as the "fruit of the philosophers", because it was valued by those who knew how good it tasted!


The ancient Egyptians believed that figs were a gift from God and consumed them to maintain good health. 



The symbolism of figs


For centuries, figs have been associated with peace, prosperity and fertility. 


In ancient Greece and Rome, figs were an important part of the diet, and the trees were often planted near houses as a symbol of good luck. 

Today, figs still play an important role in some religions. 


In Christianity, the fig tree is associated with paradise, and in Islam it is considered a symbol of purity. In Hinduism, the tree is considered sacred, and in Judaism, it is a symbol of abundance. Buddhists also hold the fig tree in high esteem, believing that it was under a fig tree that Buddha attained enlightenment. Whether eaten or simply admired, figs have always been prized for their beauty and symbolism.



Figs today

Today, figs remain popular and are grown in many parts of the world. The main producers of figs are Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Morocco and Spain. There are more than 700 varieties of fig trees worldwide, and about 300 of them are grown for human consumption. 


Figs are a good source of fibre and other nutrients, and can be enjoyed in many different ways. Whether eaten fresh, dried or in a recipe, figs are a delicious and nutritious food.


They pair excellently with red meats, poultry, fish and cheeses. They are also an excellent ingredient in all kinds of desserts and cakes. On our blog, you will find many recipes


Figs have been around for centuries and are a delicious and nutritious fruit. They are also full of history and can be enjoyed in many different ways. We hope you try them for yourself and let us know what you think on our social networks - thanks for reading!