May 15

Dried fig bars: energetic and homemade

Dried fig bars


We may often ask ourselves, what does it mean to eat healthily? Healthy eating consists of eating a variety of foods that provide us with the nutrients we need to stay healthy, feel good and have energy. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins and minerals.


Nutrition is important for everybody. Combined with physical activity and a healthy weight, good nutrition is an excellent way to help our bodies stay strong and healthy.


To keep a balanced and healthy diet, we should eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. It is best to choose the foods that have the most nutrients from each food group each day, that is, those that are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients.


Following the line of healthy eating, today we want to share a delicious recipe from Eva Arguiñano: dried fig sticks. They are very easy to make by ourselves.


For a dozen bars we will need: 

100g of dried figs El Pajarero, 


100g of prunes, 


125g of walnuts (peeled), 


50g of oat flakes, 


50g of dark chocolate




Chop the El Pajarero dried figs and prunes and place them in a food processor. Add the oat flakes and walnuts and grind them for about 3 minutes. Transfer to a bowl, grate the chocolate on top and mix well. Transfer the mixture to the worktop and knead until the ingredients are perfectly integrated. Place the dough between 2 baking papers and stretch it with a rolling pin until you get a rectangle of about 3 centimeters thick. Leave the dough in the fridge for 30 minutes and then cut it into bars. Your bars are now ready to serve.


Here is another version of the dried fig sticks recipe we published earlier.

