Jul 30

10 benefits that dried figs bring to your health that you probably didn't know about

Dried figs: benefits


We all love nutritious and juicy figs, but since they are such a seasonal fruit, we can’t have them all year round. Luckily, dried figs exist, and they have many benefits to our health and our organism. That’s why it’s one of the recommended foods of the FAO (United National Organization for Agriculture and Diet.)


1) Dried figs have a high content in fiber and minerals like calcium and magnesium.


2) Eating two to three dried figs before your meal helps reduce appetite, furthermore, because of all the natural sugars it contains, it’s a great dessert replacement.


3) If we consume a fistfull of approximately 30g, we will get our daily recommended dose of fiber, calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B that our body needs.


4) Dried figs have high contents of fiber and its consumption helps regulate body weight.


5) Athletes have already included dried figs in their daily diet because of all the properties that its magnesium, copper, potassium, calcium and vitamins K and B6 offer to them.


Other five beneficial properties


6) Dried figs help with digestion due to their high fiber content.


7) They are a great food for people who suffer from constipation.


8) Due to the high levels of calcium and magnesium that dried figs contain, its consumption helps with bone health.


9) Dried figs have high protein levels that along with its fats and carbohydrates are essential for human life.


10) Dried figs contain peciticine, a soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol levels in blood.


If you haven't tried dried figs El Pajarero, we encourage you to try them. Its sweetness and texture are like no other. On our web, you can check where we sell them in your country.